Welcome to C.T.D.O.A.

C.T.D.O.A. - Commercial Taxes Directorate Officers' Association, an association of directly recruited West Bengal Revenue Service officers




C.T.D.O.A., the acronym for Commercial Taxes Directorate Officers' Association, is one of the largest officers’ service associations in the Directorate of Commercial Taxes, and among other similar associations in West Bengal. Its members are exclusively drawn from the Group A officers recruited through the West Bengal Civil Services Examination. C.T.D.O.A is the successor to the Senior Commercial Tax Officers Association of the directly recruited Grade I Commercial Tax Officers formed in 1969. The association’s name was changed to C.T.D.O.A. in 1976 after the merger of C.T.O Grade I & II in the W.B.C.S. examination.


Tax revenue has always been the lifeline of any government. The Directorate of Commercial Taxes is the major revenue earner for West Bengal, accounting for 68% of its tax revenue. Eighteen different tax laws have been administered by the Directorate of Commercial Taxes over the years, the pre-eminent ones being the W. B. Goods & Services Tax Act, 2017, W. B. Value Added Tax, 2003 and W. B. Sales Tax Act, 1994. The members of this association have been playing a preeminent role in formulating and administering these tax laws that have made a major contribution towards the economic development of the State. During this long and eventful journey of this association, its members had not only been witnesses but active participants in the changing economic and business environment of the State and policies and laws of the government. Our members have shown resilience and adaptability in meeting the dynamics of change with a steadfast commitment to hard work and professional excellence. This is amply demonstrated through the robustness of tax administration and revenue collection.


While remaining unwavering in their commitment to sustained revenue growth, the members of C.T.D.O.A. are not entirely convinced that the facilities and prospects available to them are in keeping with their contribution and dedication to public service. C.T.D.O.A., being the custodian of the legitimate service interests of its members, is committed to ensuring recognition of their role by the government and equitable treatment with other services. This will go a long way in preserving the dignity of the service and boosting the morale of its members, whose importance is unquestioned in public administration. Towards this goal, we shall strive together in the coming days.